
"Thank you so much for a wonderful couple of years - we have had a ball!" - Mary & Helen 2024

"Thank you so much for such enjoyable sessions. We have loved coming along each week and it has been incredible to see how much Etta's confidence has grown week on week. I'm hoping we may see you again at some point in the future but just wanted to say thank you so much for such memorable sessions during Etta's first year" - Kate March 2023

“Do you want a relaxed, entertaining baby class? Look no further than Musical Fun Time!
My baby and I absolutely loved this class. There’s a new theme every week. We loved choosing outfits and objects that were connected to the theme. The structure is similar each week so you know exactly what you are doing. The babies faces light up when it’s ‘Instrument Time’ 
Anne is approachable, friendly and exudes energy. Her bubbly, fun nature makes every week enjoyable. Sadly, I’m just about the return to work so we will no longer be able to attend but we will always treasure our wonderful Musical Fun Time memories” - Shelly April 2022

"Musical Fun Time is genuinely the highlight of her week - she loves it so much!! It's also been so lovely for me to see her grow in confidence since we've started coming" - Katy February 2022

"Can't wait. Our favourite thing of the week!!!"- Sarah February 2022

"Anne's classes are absolutely wonderful. I started bringing along my son when he was 12 weeks old and we have both enjoyed it so much. Its honestly the highlight of my week as I've learnt lots of songs and rhymes to sing to him. I've also made some lovely mummy friends too, the classes are very inclusive, friendly and well worth the money. We love it so much we have decided to stay for the next term and hopefully many more to come. Thank you for being so lovely Anne, we highly recommend you." - Megan October 2021

"We love Musical Fun Time so much! Both my 3 year old and 8 month old love the songs and the dancing, and especially playing with the instruments. Weeks when there’s a theme that they can dress up for are always a hit too! It’s a lovely class and we really appreciated the online sessions during lockdown as well. Thank you Anne!" - Kate October 2021

"Anne has generously opened up a free class to new mums during lockdown.  My daughter is only a few months old and I thought she may be a bit young for the class.However, she was very interested in watching Anne on the screen and was engaged with all the upbeat songs.  She was clearly taking it all in and enjoying it"! - Rachel January 2021 

"Musical Fun Time is an excellent, fun way for babies and toddlers to develop their skills in joint attention, listening, interaction and language. Anne uses a combination of music, gesture, movement, lyrics and signing to engage the children and to ensure everyone can access the fun! The classes are well structured and have a different theme each week. The children are encouraged to explore the instruments independently and learn how to enjoy themselves as part of a group. The rhythm, rhyme and repetition of the music and songs are all beneficial for language development and Anne's use of the "Sharing" and "Tidy Up Time" refrains cleverly signal to the children how to begin to co-operate with each other. The mixture of ages in the toddler groups also helps the younger children to learn from watching their older peers. Anne is a welcoming group leader who knows everybody's names and whose bright smile is a weekly boost for tired mummies. These classes are a firm Ashford Speech Therapy favourite."

Juliette 11/7/18

"Amazing! Ann was brilliant with the kids at my son's first birthday party. Would highly recommend Musical Fun Time and hire for children's events" Lauren 21/10/17

"Musical fun time is amazing Im not sure who enjoys it more mummy or Parker, very friendly and a great way to meet other mummy's too"  Edith 17/9/17

"My daughter (20 months) just loves musical fun time. She knows all the tunes and just loves to dance along. We've had such a fab time coming for the last two terms and hope to continue after the summer!  Faye12/7/17

"Thank you so much for Saturday!  You were amazing.  Everyone - children and adults thought you were great!" - Jamuna (May 2017)

“A huge thank-you from Hugo and I for having us in your music group!  Hugo has adored the music and I have seen him take such an interest with music since starting.  We will definitely be back next year! You do such a fab job”  - Laura (Oct 2015)

"Great Chart and Singleton Pre-School have used Musical Fun Time many times. Anne is extremely professional and the children have great fun"  - Michelle (April 2014)

"My 2 year old daughter has been going to Musical Fun Time for a couple of terms now and she loves it. As a music teacher I was keen to start her in a music group where she would be introduced to core musical concepts as well as a fun and social environment. I am happy to say that Musical Fun Time delivered just that and more and we both look forward to it every week!" - Paul Andrews - G4 Guitar Tuition (May 2014)

My two still remember your songs Anne - the beanbag song is one of our favourites and the elephants on the spider's web is such a classic - we often sing that one at home!  - Sarah (May 2013)

Thanks so much for the CD.  Poppy loves it.  Have had to listen to it about 20 times already!!  Wish you could have seen her face light up once she realised it was your CD.  It was lovely.  Thanks again it's fab.  Let me know if you do another one!!
Vicky - April 2013
I have been taking my 3 year old son to the classes at Wye for almost a year now and he thoroughly enjoys it. There is a different theme each week but the classes are nicely structured with a show and tell and a meet the visitor each week which the children look forward to and enjoy. The children love Anne who is fun and enthusiastic. I find the other parents/childminders/grandparents welcoming and friendly too. Highly recommended.
Emma - March 2013
Lois loves your CD, best £5 I've ever spent!!!!
Anna - January 2013
Huge thanks for all the fun, songs and laughs we’ve had over the last 7 years!  I wish you every continued success and will recommend your groups to anyone I come across (well perhaps just those with young children!)
PS I will miss the elephant & the spiders web song, we’ve often re-created that at home.
Trudy - September 2012
My 22 month old daughter and I have been attending Musical Fun Time for around 5 months now. She looks forward to it every week and often says "Let's go see Anne" when it's not our day to go!! It's an absolutely lovely activity to do together with a friendly atmosphere and Anne keeps the children engaged the whole time with her brilliant way and varied content. It's not only my daughter's favourite group but mine too!!                Kate - May 2012
I am a childminder and over a period of 10 years I've taken many children to M.F.T. on a regular basis. (and also learnt many different songs!!) It's very rewarding to see the children having so much fun be-it through dance, playing an instrument, or singing along and doing the actions to nursery rhymes. The themed weeks are an added bonus too and the children love to take something along to 'show & tell.' This is one activity we would hate to miss. Musical Fun Time really is what it says... A FUN Time :) Look out for her 'school holiday specials' too....... They're brilliant!!!
Annette - April 2012
A really Brilliant music class been taking my little boy for two years now and he absolutely loves it,the music fab he gets to play with lots of instruments and he loves the themed weeks where he gets to take a very special toy along with him it has totally made him more confident and i love to watch him dance along to the songs and above all Anne is just so excellant and lovely with the all the kids couldnt wish for a better music class :-)))))
Sarah - April 2012
Anne's classes are lovely. I've been taking my 2 year old along for two terms and it's great to see her coming out of her shell and joining in more and more - playing the instuments, dancing and doing the actions - and we get lots of new ideas for songs to sing at home. My almost 1 year old loves it too. Highly recommended!
Vicky - April 2012
Musical Fun Time is a fun and friendly activity for pre-schoolers and their parents/carers. I have been taking my daughter (now 3) for two years and she looks forward to it every week. Now that she's a bit older she really loves joining in with all the action songs and singing along, but even as a younger child she loved dancing and clapping her hands along to the music. She has learned so many nursery rhymes and songs through MFT and made lots of new friends. Mums are encouraged to participate too and there are always big smiles on everyone's face. Anne is full of enthusiasm and energy, constantly coming up with new ideas and I can highly and whole-heartedly recommend her classes. If you're in East Kent anywhere - make sure you get along to one! First time is free, so nothing to lose!
Janet - February 2012

07533 483436